student-facilitator, mentor, cssn, CCMNet
Rutgers University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Davidson College
Campus Champions, ACCESS CSSN
mentor, research computing facilitator, ci systems engineer, cssn
North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Campus Champions
CampusChampionsAdmin, research computing facilitator, research software engineer
University of Vermont
student-facilitator, researcher/educator
Boston University
ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions, CAREERS, Northeast, CCMNet
mentor, research computing facilitator, CCMNet
University of Maine
University of Kentucky
ci systems engineer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
mentor, steering committee, regional admin
mentor, cssn, CIP
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Santa Barbara
researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, research software engineer
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, CIP
Boise State University
researcher/educator, cssn
University of Utah
RMACC, Campus Champions
mentor, research computing facilitator
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions, CCMNet, RMACC
mentor, research computing facilitator, research software engineer, CCMNet
Rice University
mentor, research computing facilitator, research software engineer, cssn
University of Rhode Island
Campus Champions, CAREERS, Northeast
mentor, regional facilitator, researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, steering committee
Middlebury College
Temple University
research computing facilitator
Campus Champions, Northeast
Georgia Institute of Technology
research software engineer
University of Missouri
Great Plains
mentor, steering committee
Yale University
ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions, CAREERS
mentor, research computing facilitator, steering committee, Match SC